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News Biography Discography Shop Expandibubble Expandis Media Links

All images, music and text on this site are copyright Phil Thornton 2001 - 2012
I'm Not Waving, I'm Drowning

The first recording from the 'Expandibubble' and my first experience of production!

A new version of track 6 ended up on the 'Cloud Sculpting' album, and a commercial recording of the title track became the B-side of the 'Mystic Man' single on Rocket Records.

A mix of live favourites, concept tracks and experiments. Have a look at the 'Expandis' page for more info.

Missing Picture

Album Details

First released in 1981 on cassette and sold at gigs. Later that year it was released by Underground Music.

Around 1985 the master tapes were lost.

Recently the master tapes have been found plus a suitable reel to reel tape recorder (7½ ips ¼ track ) for play back

I have successfully re-mastered one of these early albums and plan to do the same with this album as soon as possible.

  1. Expandibubble
  2. Run Too Fast
  3. Sunrise
  4. Production Line
  5. Dancing In Vienna 1957
  6. Goldfish Don't Whistle
  7. Letter From Amsterdam
  8. Holland 1973
  9. I'm Not Waving I'm Drowning
  10. Potters Bar 1977
  11. Movieola
  12. Exposure To Distortion
  13. Swamp Glide
  14. Caledonia September 1243
  15. Even Giants Sleepwalk
  16. Dig My Garden
  17. Paris March 1883
  18. Night Gallery
  19. St. Leonards 1977


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